Ece Gökalp (1988) is a visual artist born in Istanbul, Turkey. In her hometown, she received her bachelor's degree in Photography and Video from Yildiz Technical University. In addition, Gökalp studied with an Erasmus scholarship for a semester at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague before moving to Berlin to study Art in Context at the Universität der Künste in Berlin.

Gökalp explores diverse photography possibilities, utilizing it to perceive geographies in varied contexts and delve into controversies surrounding the photographic gaze and indexicality. After finishing her master's thesis on Mount Ararat, a significant mountain in eastern Turkey, Gökalp turned her focus toward her connection with nature. Her work on nature, landscape, and geography projects serves as a means to explore and understand herself. The Weak of the Forest and Haus am See are notable initial works on this theme.

Gökalp's work has been shown in several group exhibitions in Istanbul and Berlin, and she has received scholarships and funding from DAAD, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, Stiftung Kunstfonds, and more. Gökalp has also had several solo exhibitions, including Kelimeler Kifayetsiz at the Apartment Project Berlin in 2017, followed by another solo exhibition of her graduation project titled A Mountain As Many at Poşe in Istanbul and another one titled Drying Lakes, Black Holes in Fırın, Eskişehir.  Her most recent solo exhibition, After Anahit, was shown at FOAM 3H in Amsterdam in 2023.

She's currently working on the mining industry's destructive impact on cultural heritage sites and villages in the Muğla region of Turkey. Additionally, she is coordinating and realizing community-focused education art projects, including 'Asi Hala Burada' in Hatay with artist Isabella Gerstner, and 'Orta Okul' in Berlin with artist İpek Çınar. More on these projects soon!


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© Ece Gökalp 2024